hi hugable creatures!
i'm currently new on this, and i'm not so good at following. but i'm working on it!
help me to become better and i'll promise you i'll work hard!


torsdag 12. august 2010

puke is horrible

first i had a great time in the city with toril, helene and jens. and we was crazy and ourself. and yes, we own. we even walked and had fun in the water in the fountain.
and yeah, i bought two books, that i normally would have to bay 200-400 NOK. (USA32.37$ to 64.55$ Britain - 20,60 to 41,20) but i got them for 20 NOK for both! (3.23$ england - 2,06)
best buy in a long time.
and so. after jens had to go we walked around and we left. i had to take another bus than them, but yeah.
when i had been home for a while, guess what?.. i heard mom shout for me and i walked to the living room. and there my lil' bro had puked! so disgusting!
so yes, now everything is normal. yeeey..
i'm still bored, nothing to do! D:

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