hi hugable creatures!
i'm currently new on this, and i'm not so good at following. but i'm working on it!
help me to become better and i'll promise you i'll work hard!


onsdag 28. juli 2010


i want you guys to get to know my friends, like i maybe have told before i don't have a romantic relationship with someone, but i have my friends who i love with all my heart and soul.
i have Helene, she's a sooo sweet. she's my totally totally best friend, i've known her since 1 grade and we've been good friends since then, and our bond grew stronger and stronger.
and then i have olava, she's a wierd fellow, but she means a lot to me! she isn't really like me, i like fashion and style and boys, and she isn't, she like emo and goth. well i like that too, but i don't walk in same clothes. but outside doesn't matter, right?
and i have katie, she lives in england. she's so sweet and i love her so much! i'm gonna bug mum to let me go and see her, i wanna meet her so much!
and i have zahra and guro, they are the ones that holds me back to be a teenager, if it wouldn't be for them i would never be like i am now. and ofc mia!
and i have many more, but this is the ones that i think are closest to my heart and soul.
like ugo-chan, but we don't talk as much as we did before. :S

well well, that is my sweetlings!

but you'know, i always love to talk to more people.
My MSN : marie_lurven@hotmail.com that is also my e-mail so e-mail me or add my MSN or just comment!

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