hi hugable creatures!
i'm currently new on this, and i'm not so good at following. but i'm working on it!
help me to become better and i'll promise you i'll work hard!


lørdag 31. juli 2010

i promise i will write more when school starts, thought ''today'' dad's moving, but.. the lady that lives there now isn't out yet. Oooh..
so yeah

i need an advice, how do you cure hypersensetiv thingy? (dunno if i wrote right)
i cried two times today beacuse in my mind i saw a actor i like a lot get hurt and bullied and all. so yeah..

AND! is there any way to make wishes come true? i have a wish i need to become true.
damn i hate teen years.. but i love my friends, hope i will have ya 'till i die!
and you're not allowed to die before me!

torsdag 29. juli 2010

onsdag 28. juli 2010

i need serious help.

like i said, serious help!
a person i care much for has lost his/her parent. what should i do? i feel helpless. i need to do something to get my mind on something else. care to help me?
i dunno what to do anymore!


i want you guys to get to know my friends, like i maybe have told before i don't have a romantic relationship with someone, but i have my friends who i love with all my heart and soul.
i have Helene, she's a sooo sweet. she's my totally totally best friend, i've known her since 1 grade and we've been good friends since then, and our bond grew stronger and stronger.
and then i have olava, she's a wierd fellow, but she means a lot to me! she isn't really like me, i like fashion and style and boys, and she isn't, she like emo and goth. well i like that too, but i don't walk in same clothes. but outside doesn't matter, right?
and i have katie, she lives in england. she's so sweet and i love her so much! i'm gonna bug mum to let me go and see her, i wanna meet her so much!
and i have zahra and guro, they are the ones that holds me back to be a teenager, if it wouldn't be for them i would never be like i am now. and ofc mia!
and i have many more, but this is the ones that i think are closest to my heart and soul.
like ugo-chan, but we don't talk as much as we did before. :S

well well, that is my sweetlings!

but you'know, i always love to talk to more people.
My MSN : marie_lurven@hotmail.com that is also my e-mail so e-mail me or add my MSN or just comment!

tirsdag 27. juli 2010

humans -.-

we humans are wierd beings.
and i have a reason for saying that now, beacuse i was sitting here and just doing normal things(normal for unnormal) and then u heard a girl scream : NORA! WE'RE NO WAY IN BLODDY HELL GOING HOME NOW, WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOUR HEAD!? ' and when i checked outside a girl sat on a guy's lap in the bus shed, and they we're making out. like hellooo, go get a room -.- and so another girl, who shouted, shouted again and came up to nora with some other guys, and they talked and shouted and all. then i sat down and talked to people on MSN, then i heard noice, much noice. andd when i looked outside i saw that the glass on the bus shed was shattered.

this is how it ended, and right now more glass broke down. adn the police is outside.

lørdag 24. juli 2010

Cute cat, just watch ^^

boats ?

wonder why i gave out this pic?
well today i and mom and daniel was driving, we went and saw a BIG cruise, this one. Costa magica.

and another boat was there, it was.. not norwegian, but yeah yeah..

got the blue one now. yummiii!

torsdag 22. juli 2010

sarah jane adventures

i'm in a periode when i'm addicted to one thing. right now, SJA. it's like i have to see it.
i and mt friends have a chatroom called RANDOM, and there we talk about everything, they tell me to spam them. my lucky day, right? and the clever little me are spamming them about SJA.
but often i let out outbreaks, i get angry fast, and yeah. i'm tender, emotional. annoying feelings, sometimes i wonder who i would be if i wasn't like this. like, i CRY of a fanfiction, words! yeah yeah, whatever.
now i cried when luke got to know that maria was gonna move to america...

enough of me, i wonder who reads my blog. i think no one else then the people i know close. so mhm.
i wanna know who are reading this blog, and all. maybe i'm gonna start to vlog too here. whaddya think?

<- who wouldn't hug this little creature called kittie?
i wouldn't hug it, i would keep it an HUG IT ALL THE TIME!

onsdag 21. juli 2010

just watched ballet shoes. it's adorable!
three girls, who follow their dreams, and to make they're helping thei're legal guardian to earn money.


i have been a lazyass the whole summer, so i want the school to start!
but in almost two weeks my dad're gonna move, i'm so exited. it's a place i have lived before, and there it was sooooo beautiful. except in the winter, it's so slippery, scary!
and so, it's not a big house, but it's a big garden! i wanna get myself a hammock and just read manga in it. and if i remember right, it's cherry blossoms, like sakura! but not as beutiful and good smelling as in japan, nothing can be compered to the ones in japan.

imagine me in there just reading. i'm getting more comf now.

well well, see ya later!

søndag 18. juli 2010

vloggin' & music

yeah so i wanna start vloggin', but i'm not confident with speaking english. but i'm gonna try, so you guys have to tell me if i sound like a 100% idiot or just 50% or something. so yeah.

and just now little mie found a amazing song!
BoA with satoshi hiroshi (i think) and the song is so beautiful!
it got power and me lovin' it!

what'cha think?
okay, first of all i wanna say sorry, i never blog! i thought that this will get better, but nopee.
so now i'm gonna TRY to write atleast ONE post each day.
okay so now it's like two p.m. and i'm still lying here in my undies with a cardigan over. feet's cold but the rest is burning! why does it have to be so hot outside? and yeah i know, i'm lazy, but i just don't care about what i ware inside now, but soonb gonna move my body and throw on some clothes, gonna have a visit of my best friend, we're gonna watch a movie! dunno which yet, maybe Brüno, but if i get sick we're gonna watch something else.
som people might ask ''why did you buy it if it makes you sick?'' and the answer is... i didn't bought it, it was one of my christmas presents... from mom.


nice nice songie!

onsdag 7. juli 2010


Roy - The Captain
... i mean it, i was on Facebook and searched a little, and then i came over this, Roy the captain.
roy plays in a series on TV, called Himmelblå (SKY(?)) and yeah, he owns. he's hugable!

Check it out!

lørdag 3. juli 2010


i simply just love this song. i can listen to it 24/7, but i need my beautysleep, right?
you need to jump to 1:20 before the music starts, sorry.

fredag 2. juli 2010

sunkissed or sunburned?

yeah, i'm going to the beach, if you can call it that. and there i'm just gonna take photos, read and draw. but i'm too bored. so maybe i'm just gonna sit there and stare at the sun.
so, am i gonna get sunkissed, or sunburned?

torsdag 1. juli 2010

O tomodachi~

friends are someone who helps you, who trust you and who you trust, a person that loves you for who you are, not for status and such. a friend is someone who is with you through thick and thin.

so i should tell you, that if you hurt someone once, you might not get anouther chance.
i know all this beacuse 1. i used half my time with someone to hate that person. i regret it.
2. i had a fight with someone over a long periode and i regret that. but everything ended well, beacuse we both thought through.

so you, if you read this, you might get the feeling that this sounds familliar. don't only think of yourself, think of your friend. don't call that person a BFF if you don't mean it. and don't be selfcentred. the persons next to you might get hurt. if you think like that at the same time you think that you are a nice person and who deserv what you have, you do not deserv it. you have to think of you friends. they are a part of this world, just like you, they have feelings and they have thoughts and they do not want to be with someone who thinks otherwise.

so yeah, that was a piece of my mind beacuse i know someone who have it that way, her ''BFF'' is like this. she is a person, she deserv friends, but she doesn't think abut what she have. she have a beautiful person next to her, but she don't look at that person.


like who wouldn't walk here, smell the good sakura smell and see the beautiful flowers?
well, everyone would just LOVE to go here, right?


today the sky was bluegray with many clouds, and not the warmest. but tomorrow it stands that it's gonna be around 20-30 degrees. HAPPY HAPPY!

i have missed you summer.