hi hugable creatures!
i'm currently new on this, and i'm not so good at following. but i'm working on it!
help me to become better and i'll promise you i'll work hard!


torsdag 30. september 2010

oh my god... tomorrow we're having an full day with just English writing. not that i'm not happy, it's just that i forgot my book and i tend to forget things. hee hee, Oopsie?
well well, shit happens right? i just hope it will end fine, but i'm sure it will. GULP!
but today was wierd, i thought we was gonna have a test, but nooooo! argh... and so my friend birgitte had english writingday so, i had to make sure she was alright. she complained on her twin a bit, which always is funny, love her!
an so, nothing much happend. i just... hung out with people?
ailin came with me home for a bit, she's also an anime freak <3>
so nothing else happend, i spoiled her a bit on harry potter and the deathly hollows but she didn't care much, only when i told her F-... i shouldn't spoil.

well, bye!

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