hi hugable creatures!
i'm currently new on this, and i'm not so good at following. but i'm working on it!
help me to become better and i'll promise you i'll work hard!


tirsdag 5. oktober 2010

R.I.P igalo <'3
he died today, he was the best cat in the world. he followed me up in my childhood and was the cutest cat ever! he became 20 years and lived his life as the king of the neighbourhood!
i will miss that ''little'' cat!

now, over to the good news... ehh.. MY ROOM IS DONE! after living here the whole summer...
i now have my desk figured, mu bed alone and the big table that don't belong in my room is now our eating table (?)
so yeah, now i'm sitting at a nice desk with a glass of coke and are writing to you guys. with Facebook, fanfiction and this open. life is nice even thought worlds most trustworthy and faithful cat left us. now he's probably chasing birds a different place we can never imagine <3

random pictures;

sorry, i just had to.. SUE ME!

so yeah.. huggies from mee!

written from the stars <3

torsdag 30. september 2010

oh my god... tomorrow we're having an full day with just English writing. not that i'm not happy, it's just that i forgot my book and i tend to forget things. hee hee, Oopsie?
well well, shit happens right? i just hope it will end fine, but i'm sure it will. GULP!
but today was wierd, i thought we was gonna have a test, but nooooo! argh... and so my friend birgitte had english writingday so, i had to make sure she was alright. she complained on her twin a bit, which always is funny, love her!
an so, nothing much happend. i just... hung out with people?
ailin came with me home for a bit, she's also an anime freak <3>
so nothing else happend, i spoiled her a bit on harry potter and the deathly hollows but she didn't care much, only when i told her F-... i shouldn't spoil.

well, bye!

onsdag 29. september 2010

okay, the upcoming weekend i'm gonna make my room, kinda. i have many things that do not belonge in here, so i'm gonna move it out, then put the things that belonge here, in here. it will become sooo nice. i can use my desk and i can buy cute and cool stuff to pimp up my room, i want it original and my style, but also cute girly. so it becomes very... new?

i have been sick monday and tuesday so today was very... wierd. i came there at 8:03 and had to wait for it to become 8:10 which is the time we usually start, but not a soul to see. so i waited, and i called mum to make her check my schedule, and everything stood correct, but when people started to come i got to know that we started 9:00 and that it's not a normal school day, which i wanted it to be. i'm a bit behind on homework eheheee...
so we took the bus to lade, and there we painted with aquapaint(?) the paint you need water to get colour out of, if you know what i mean. and so, we did much wierd stuff and i could buy a big chocolate muffin in school time! <3

well, yeah... see ya
Chasing pavements? just wierd. if you say it in norwegian it's just plain wierd, JAGE FORTAU!
so yeah, but the song is sooooo nice. if i'm not mistaken it's the song i loved a long way back, and now it's my heart again. just like many other songs, like Little wonders by Rob Thomas, or many songs from lion king 2 (DON'T JUDGE!)

Little wonders by Rob Thomas.
plain beautiful, i haven't got any words for this beautiful song (thought i just said some...)

chasing pavements by Adele
lovelovelovelovelovelove ect...
Adele have such a beautiful voice!

well, see you later!

tirsdag 28. september 2010

i am starting to get annoyed. my head is hurting beacuse of all the sniffing, and my nose hurts. but i'll be fine.
tomorrow i'm going to school, yesterday and today i felt to much like crap to go. and oh shit... torunn might thing i was just skipping. ah well, her problem for not beliving me, not mine.
i am trying so hard on making a harry potter fanfiction, but it's hard. i have my own magical creature that i'm gonna use in an original story, but i want to test it out in a fanfiction first.

my head is a mess and all.. dot dot dot...

random.. so anyways, i have been searching much lately and found out that helen mccrory, the woman who plays narcissa malfoy in harry potter have played in a very new doctor who episode! love her, she's so sweet!
but yeah. g2g, bye!


lørdag 25. september 2010

coming home was good and bad. good part; i've missed home, the warmth! it's warm in my bed and it's big! and everything was better. bad part; i miss the people and animals! everytime we went to dinner we saw the snow leopard(?)!
but now i have much fun! i, olava and magnus are having fun at olava's
watching many wierd things at Youtube! WHOOT WHOOT!
eating chocolateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~

søndag 19. september 2010

tomorrow i'm going to sweeden.. finally!
i am so lucky that i got in this class, 9B2 <3
and now i'm going.. felt so fast, time felw! my suitcase is in the living room and all, my backpack is ready, and i feel like i could use some pills to calm down.
i'll maybe gonna blog when i'm there, through my phone. it's only maybe thought ^^

well, see you!
huggies from me (aa)